學 系 別 |
考 試 科 目 |
資訊傳播學系 |
英文 |
I. 將下列英文翻譯成中文 (60%)
1. Content is information that you organize for a specific use. The key to the organization and use of content is naming. Names provide a simple, memorable, useful container in which to collect and unify otherwise disparate pieces of information. The exploit of quality of names over and over again in this work. In fact, one can say that content and content management are no more than discovering and successfully applying names to information. Why are names so powerful in human life? It is because names capture and contain a potentially vast amount of information in a simple-to –use form. Those who “know” the name hold a lot of understanding that others lack. Why are names so important to the study of content? For the very same reason: Names help you capture and contain a vast amount of information and make it simpler to use. (20%)
(Source: Boiko,Bob
(2003). Content Management Bible.
2. The patterns surfacing in the technology and information architecture landscape suggest we are headed into a period of technology change that may be as significant as the shift from mainframe architectures to client/server architectures in the 1980s. Whereas PCs and client/server software make it possible to distribute both applications and data closer to their users in the 1980s, the next-generation technology architecture will distribute even smaller units of software over the Internet directly distant users as well as directly to devices and objects such as equipment on the factory floor, packages on store shelve or servers and hardware devices in a partner organization. Using sophisticated messaging, open-source solutions and new security protocols, data processing and information exchange will become tightly connected to business processes, facilitating new kinds of collaboration, partnering and outsourcing relationships.(20%)
(source: The 2003 OCLC
Environmental Scan: Pattern Recognition ; A report to the OCLC Membership. Page
3. New graduates from school of library and information science possess a basic knowledge of databases, classification, collection development, and reference. Historically, though, there has been a gap in the curriculum at many schools in the area of library instruction, which means that graduates are entering the job market unprepared for the instruction they may need to provide. One of the goals of the ACRL Institute for Information Literacy id to “prepare librarians to become effective teaches in information literacy programs. “The popularity of the immersion program attests to librarians’ desire to acquire the theory and practical skills that they did not receive in library school. (20%)
(source: Forys,
Marsha.(February 2004) “The university library’s role in developing future
librarian teacher.” College & Research Libraries News, 65:2, 67-69)
將下列中文翻譯成英文 (40%)
4. 圖書館數位化已經受到各國圖書資訊界,資訊科技及電子出版領域眾多專家,學者的重視。他們將聚會討論促進圖書館數位化建設與合作,服務和管理,資訊科技技術在圖書資訊,電子出版領域的發展、推廣和交流。擬定主題包括:1) 技術與標準,2) 服務和管理,3) 合作和本地化。該會議目前正在徵文,英文文摘將於2004年6月10日截止,論文全文將於2004年7月1日截止。(20%)
( source: http://icadl2004.sjtu.edu.cn)
5. 本部的第一期電子報(網址為http://epaper.edu.tw)於2004年2月5日發行,透過網路媒體無遠弗屆的效能,將本部最新、最正確的訊息主動上網公告,以利閱眾直接上網閱讀,本電子報提供各項政策說明,校園安全即時通報訊息,及教育相關改革活動訊息。同時也歡迎閱眾提出教育改革相關問題的觀點,作為本部政策擬定與改進的參考。(20%)
(source: 高教簡訊156期,93.03.10)